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Ceramic vs. Porcelain Tiles – How to Make the Right Flooring Choice

The selection of flooring materials is a pivotal decision in any construction or renovation project. It profoundly influences the aesthetic quality, durability, and overall ambience of the environment. Among the many options available, ceramic and porcelain tiles consistently stand out.

To make an informed choice that caters to your project’s unique requirements, it’s essential to comprehend the differences between these alternatives.

Understanding the Differences

1. Composition and Production

  1. Ceramic Tiles: These tiles are made from a mixture of clay, minerals, and water. They are shaped, dried, and then fired in a kiln at high temperatures. The composition often includes a decorative glaze on the surface, which can impact their appearance.
  2. Porcelain Tiles: Porcelain tiles are a type of ceramic tile, but they have a distinct composition. They are crafted from a specific type of clay, which is finer and more purified. This clay is fired at an even higher temperature, resulting in a denser, harder, and less porous tile.

2. Resistance and Durability

  1. Ceramic Tiles: Ceramic tiles are known for their durability and resistance to wear and tear. However, they are more porous compared to porcelain, making them slightly more susceptible to water damage.
  2. Porcelain Tiles: Porcelain tiles are highly resistant to water absorption, which makes them an excellent choice for areas prone to moisture, like bathrooms and kitchens. They are also more robust and less likely to chip or crack.

3. Design

  1. Ceramic Tiles: The design options for ceramic tiles are vast. They come in a wide range of colours, patterns, and sizes, making them a versatile choice for various design schemes.
  2. Porcelain Tiles: Porcelain tiles offer an extensive selection of design possibilities, including designs that mimic natural stone or wood. They are suitable for both indoor and outdoor applications, adding to their versatility.

4. External Installation

  1. Ceramic Tiles: While ceramic tiles are a fantastic choice for indoor applications, they are less suited to outdoor use due to their porosity.
  2. Porcelain Tiles: Porcelain tiles are ideal for external installations, thanks to their low water absorption rate and exceptional durability.

In the realm of ceramic vs. porcelain tiles, both materials come with their respective advantages and disadvantages. However, when it comes to raised flooring projects, porcelain stoneware often emerges as the preferred choice. Its remarkable resistance, durability, and ability to cater to a wide array of aesthetic needs make it a top contender. If your project demands flooring that can withstand high-traffic environments and requires minimal maintenance over the years, porcelain stoneware should be your go-to option.

B&M Supplies stands out as your go-to tile supplier due to our extensive knowledge and wide range of options. With experienced experts, a diverse selection, and a commitment to quality, we help you make informed choices and offer top-tier products. Our exceptional customer service and competitive pricing further make us the ideal choice for your tiling projects.

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